Cazul unui bărbat din Alabama, condamnat la închisoare pe viaţă pentru 9 dolari furaţi în 1982. Procesul a durat 25 de minute
Cazul lui Willie Simmons i-a revoltat pe americani, acesta fiind acuzat de furt de gradul I şi condamnat pe viaţă fără posibilitatea eliberării condiţionate pentru 9 dolari. Bărbatul a petrecut ultimii 38 de ani după gratii, a relatat Dallas Urban News.
THREAD: Today I talked to Willie Simmons, who has spent the last 38 years in prison for stealing $9. He was convicted of 1st degree robbery & sentenced to life without parole in 1982, prosecuted under Alabama's habitual offender law because he had 3 prior convictions. 1/12
— Beth Shelburne (@bshelburne) December 22, 2019
Mr. Simmons did not deny his crimes & I am not writing this to argue that he's innocent. He has paid for his crimes with his entire adult life, cast away like he wasn't worth redemption. It sickens me to think about how many other people are warehoused in prison, forgotten. 11/12
— Beth Shelburne (@bshelburne) December 22, 2019
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