When you have a degree

Postat la 01 decembrie 2009 25 afişări

Any graduate engineer can be an accountant and any accountant can be a PR specialist.

Employment in the same field as the academic background stopped being a rule on the labour market a long time ago. Both for employees, who have reached the point where they are taking almost everything that generates a monthly income, and for employers, who, first of all, are looking for people who adjust easily. "I am a college graduate and ended up answering phones." I overheard this not long ago, when a young man was complaining to his friend that he was unable to find a job to suit his education.

The friend supportively replied, "What would you like to do?" "Anything eventually," the young man resignedly answered. "I don't need to work as a marketing expert, despite my degree, but at least do something more interesting." It should be interesting, help them make money and generate career development opportunities. That sums up about what every graduate wants. For most of them it does not matter that it means having to do something radically different than what they spent three, four, or five years studying.

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graduate degree,
job market,
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